Germantown History Portal

This is the Germantown History Portal of the Omnibus site. Here you will find information of a historical nature relating to the Township of Germantown, that is, the Village and the Town of Germantown, Washington County, Wisconsin, USA; not to be confused with the Township of Germantown which resides in Juneau County or the Germantown in Richland County. Included will be historical information on all communities, churches, and early businesses which resided within its six square mile boundary, be they remembered only in the minds of its residents or be they active today.

To All:

If you have information you would like to share and have it placed here, or have this site linked to your Germantown related historical information, contact the home team.

As information is discovered it will be added. It is thought that it is better to provide some information, even though not complete, then none at all. Also, as you read what has been found, this may stir up memories and you may wish to contribute. No one knows the area around where you lived better than you. And along with your neighbors, it may be surprising how much information you can remember as happening during your life time or as told to you by those who have departed. We build this historical house as we find each brick for the house itself no longer exists. And to challenge us, the bricks have been scattered and some even hidden. This will not be an easy task but it is one that can be accomplished. For the benefit of our great-grandchildren yet to be born, we just need to do it.

Enjoy what is here now ...