
Here you will find answers to those questions you always forgot to ask!

When did the Germantown High School get its present name?

The school year was 1991-1992.

From 1967 to 1991 it was named "Washington High School".

When this school was born in 1957, it birth name was "Washington Union High School". It was located east of Firemans Park in what today (2007) is known as Kennedy Middle School. In the fall of school year 1968-1969, high school operations were moved to River Lane just north of Mequon Road.

St. Boniface, had how many church buildings?

The correct answer is six (6). The first log cabin church was built in 1845 under the auspices of missionary Father Michael Heiss. It was located at the southwest corner of the Johannes Knetzger and Katherine Hoffman farm. This would be 1/2 mile east of the present church property on Freistadt Road. In 1849, Father Dr. Joseph Salzmann built the second church building, a frame structure on the present church property. He also began the construction of a much larger church, finished the foundation and framing, but construction stopped there. Father Dr. Francis Paulhuber, in 1852, built the third church building of brick, as the Sisters of St. Francis of Assissi reported in 1868. Its bell tower was hit by lightning and was replace by a quarried stone church building around 1869. This edifice was constructed under pastors Fathers Strickner, Föckler and Gamber, and took in the order of nine years to complete. In March of 1954, the stone church building was destroyed by fire and by October 1955, the fifth church building became a reality, its construction being directed by Father William Huemmer. The sixth "church" building was constructed in early 2000 when Father Bernard Sylvester "Bernie" Sippel was pastor. Capacity of the 1954 church did not meet the needs of the parish so a multi use facility, an auditorium was added to the school for its use on Monday thru Friday and converted to be used as a church on Sunday.