On Veterans Day, 11 November 2006, the Germantown Area Veterans Memorial became a reality. On that day, the Memorial was dedicated when the first of many names of area veterans was added to its Walls of Honor. Since then, more names have been added, now having honored over 480 individuals. In February of 2009, the Veterans Memorial Web Site became a reality. The web site has two objectives: first, to identify where on the Walls of Honor a name of an Honoree can be found, and second, to have the name to become a "living" person. Some identified on the Walls of Honor served over a century ago. For quite a few, it has been over 50 years. Many who look at these names, do not know who these individuals are, other than they served in a branch of service, such as in the Army in World War I. But who were these individuals? This Internet site identifies each Honoree and with the help of the community, will provide their picture along with background information on who they were and what they did. While the Walls of Honor identify the Honoree's name, this web site will support this and will provide a picture and background information. The site will have the name to become a "living" and "breathing" person, becomming a neighbor, a friend, and family. Need for those who submitted a name, or a family member, to provide a picture and background information on the honoree. When browsing the Veterans Memorial's web site, you will see a picture makes a world of difference. A name is just a name, but a picture, and you "meet" the person. And, the persons image will live on, today, tomorrow, and 50 years from tomorrow. If you wish to share background information, suggest:
complete the form, sign it, and postal mail it, along with the picture, as directed on the form. (If you do not know the military information, you might wish to send away for it. See here and in the left column of the screen, "Request Military Service Records ...", then follow the instructions provided.