Rockfield History

picture of Rockfield, Street Scene; shared by Ron Greve
Main Street

The community of Rockfield is/was located in the east 1/2 of Section 9 and the southeast quarter of Section 5. One of the first commercial enterprises was lime burning of which the kilns can still be seen. It was owned and operated by Fred Dix and was reported that in 1880 Fred Dix owned a store which was managed by Jacob Kraetsch.

There was located there the Rockfield Canning Company. During WW II the area supported a prisoner of war camp.

The patent purchasers of land in the immediate vicinity were Nicholas Altmayer, Adam Staats, Justus Schmit, and Peter Sinz. In 1859 this land was owned by B. Gretsch, P. Rheingaus, H. Rheingaus, J. Richler, N. M..., Pliensch. By 1873 the owners were: A. Kaut, D. Wolf, G. Wolf, A. Kauth, A, Hasse, M. Rheingans, and W. Kratsch.

picture of the Livery; 2004
The Livery

picture of the Post Office; 2004
The Post Office (right)

picture of the canning factory building; 2004
The Canning Factory

picture of Canning Factory Building; 2004 picture of Canning Factory; 2004
View Northwest; View Southwest