Parish Trustees

Prior to 1883 there were frequent controversies about who owned Wisconsin church properties. Sometimes the land was deeded directly to the archbishop as in St. Boniface’s case. Other times it was held by locally appointed trustees. Sometimes these trustees would battle with the pastor about his salary, who could write out checks and who got the Christmas collection. In 1883, the State of Wisconsin executed laws about church incorporation for all denominations. The Catholic structure is still used. For each parish, the archbishop creates a five member corporation to conduct its civil affairs (ie. hold property, manage money, hire employees, etc.) with himself as president, the pastor as vice-president, the vicar general as a member at large and two elected parishioners as secretary and treasurer. These corporations are known as “congregations,” so St. Boniface Parish has a parallel organization known as “St. Boniface Congregation”. Established in 1886, it is governs the parish’s secular affairs in conjunction with a Finance Council. Its parishioner members and their membership terms are listed below.
1892 to 1894Conrad SchickertJohn Braun
1886 to 1888Adam Meunier1886 to 1887Adam Hartmann
1888 to 1890George Vyoul1887 to 1888Joseph Wolfgartner
1890 to 1896Ferdinand Wolf1882 to 1892Peter Wolf
1896 to 1908George Merkel
1908 to 1916William D. Wolf1894 to 1898
1916 to 1922William Neu1898 to 1900Peter Mueller
1922 to 1924William Gebhard1900 to 1902Adalbert Hartmann
1924 to 1925Herbert Walterlin1902 to 1904Nickolaus Schottler
1925Ambrose Wiedmeyer1904 to 1908Henry Thoma
1925Vacant during interdict1908 to 1912Peter Mueller
1925 to 1932William Neu1912 to 1915George Betzold
1932 to 1938Eugene Stuesser1915 to 1922Nickolaus Yogerst
1938 to 1940Thomas Hayes1922 to 1924William Wolf
1940 to 1942Allen Schulteis1924 to 1925John Steger
1942 to 1948George Hauser1925Peter Weyer
1948 to 1952Peter Kohl1925Vacant during interdict
1952 to 1958Herman Wolf1925 to 1928William Wolf
1958 to 1964Lloyd Vanderheiden1928 to 1932Joseph Yogerst
1964 to 1972Howard Fischer1932 to 1936William Baertlein
1972 to 1974Leonard Staab1936 to 1940Joseph Kohl
1974 to 1982James Justensen1940 to 1942Herman Wolf
1982 to 1986Rory Wolf1942 to 1948Oliver Schulteis
1986 to 1988David Nickel1948 to 1952Erwin Theisen
1988 to 1992Joseph Scholl1952 to 1958Walter Neu
1992 to 1993Billy Newberg1958 to 1962Gordon Wolf
1993 to 1997Robert Bates1962 to 1968John Kohl
1997 to 1999Dorothy Gengler1968 to 1972Kenneth Wolf
1999 to 2001Lorna Wolter1972 to 1982Billy Newberg
2001 to 2005Robert Bates1982 to 1987David Poch
2005 to 2007Jack Brown1987 to 1989Roger Karlin
2007 to 2011Jeff Karhoff1989 to 1992Joseph Babiak
2011 to 2018Cari Brust1992 to 1995Ellen Fagan
2018 to 2021John Rinaldi1995 to 2000Daniel Lloydik
2021Peter Keller2000 to 2004Michael Kendall
2004 to 2006Charles Brown
2006 to 2009Daniel Bach
2009 to 2010Sara Stiefvater
2010 to 2014Diana Stoffel
2014 to 2016Patrick Crain
2016 to 2018Les Borman
2018Diana Stoffel